Our Services

Serving Your Local Area


Service from Start to Finish

At Atlantic Construction Companies, we believe that your project should be kept as simple and straightforward as possible, regardless how complex the task may seem. We try to avoid subcontractors and outsourcing wherever possible.

We offer a broad range of in-house services, including:

 Tower Construction Services:

Turn Key tower construction

Line and antenna installation including mounts and booms in various applications

Tower reinforcement

Sweep testing

Decommissioning of legacy equipment

Tiger team site maintenance and repair

Wave guide installation

Migration support

Small cell node installation

Fiber splicing

Fiber optic installation

Das installation

Civil Construction Services:

Turn key civil construction

Grounding systems

Concrete foundations

Pre-cast shelter placement

Construction of equipment buildings

Radio equipment cabinet placement, internal wiring, cabling and upgrade kit installations

AC/DC electrical and Telco work

Fence construction

Site assessment and tower mapping

Structural steel platform manufacturing and placement

Cellular and broadcasting equipment cabinet placement, internal power, telco and alarm wiring

Fiber splicing

Small cell node installation

Fiber optic installation

Directional boring

Das installation